Nor Do I Have The Entire Hotel To Myself, Personal Massages At The End Of Every Ride, A Coach Going Over My Power Numbers, Or A Support Crew Of Around 60 People Behind Me Making Sure I Am Taken Care Of.
So other than the massage, hotel, mechanics, personal chef, shiny Pinnarello F10 , roving press core, coffee whenever I want it, my training camp is exactly the same. I ride in the same snow ( Yes, sunny Mallorca indeed ) and wear the same Castelli aero bibs and jerseys as they do.
Alas this was not to be a cycling trip but more of a reportage look at what makes Team Sky tick with the help of my Leica cameras including the new bells and whistles Leica SL.
So normally when doing my photo essays, I choose to ride and take pictures of riders with a $20,000 Leica camera dangling from my neck. This I find to be a great skill training exercise, and fine when your just out with a group of Cat 5’s.
However Team Sky are not Cat 5 riders so I opted for the fast Ford car with DS Gabba (think the jacket) and mechanic Phil. We opted for hits of the 60’s to keep us company rather than euro pop for this journey.
Todays it just the three riders going out. What struck me is, although they maybe pro! they still do the same things we are accustomed to. Before doing a tempo climbing effort, all three take out their headphones and put whatever music helps, and take off one by one.